Our Activities

Increase awareness against AIDS

AIDS is a matter which is not allowed to discuss openly as people still have a wrong idea about it. Especially in rural areas, people haven’t heard the name, but it is an important matter that can’t be neglected. Every year a huge number of people die due to unawareness about this topic. We arrange close seminars and dramas to make residents aware of HIV. It is a sensitive issue but with the help of doctors and volunteers, we become able to make them interested in this topic.


Promotion of Agricultural industry

Agriculture is the base of our culture, as most of the food products come from the agriculture sector. To develop the agriculture sector of the rural areas of Patna we provide various agricultural resources. We organize camps to provide the right tools, knowledge about new technologies, distribute free seeds, control pests to grow agricultural status.


Street Child Rehabilitation

Street child and orphans don’t have a regular life, they are tortured by upper-class people, attacked by human traffickers and become the servant of society. We built a place for orphans and street children to provide free shelter, food, and education to those children. These children also have the right to live a regular life, the government has taken initiative already by building orphanages and we are following them.


Stand for weaker section

People who belong to the communities of SC, ST, and OBC are considered untouchable in Bihar. We have taken a motto to fight for their rights and help them to get their position back in the society. We arrange seminars to make people aware of the new law created by govt where they have full right to live as upper cast people.